Bend Reality

Bend Reality

Training Insights

Everything you avoid in trainings reality is going to be up in your face close and personal on race day and completed sessions do not allow for that, unless you’ve been fully in them boots n all.

I didn’t come here to just survive and nor did you. I reckon the world rewards those that dare to be audacious, not just those who prepare to be ready.

So what does preparation mean?

It's an inside out job, not outside in. Real preparation means you are willing to meet all the parts of yourself that don’t want to be met.

What comes easy won’t last and what lasts won’t come easy.

The world is full of athletes who expect to thrive because they didn’t miss a session. They are always the ones who are most dissatisfied and most disappointed when reality doesn’t meet their expectation. But you can’t thrive if you don’t meet reality head on.

All your responses and reactions happen internally. All the completed sessions in your pretty chart won’t mean fuck if you haven’t met the darkness in yourself in training and made space for it.

On race day when the fur is flying, you need to be the space for whatever happens. You need to be the literal space for reality to come with whatever it’s going to come with. Not two fucks given now for completed sessions if you haven’t prepared to meet your own resistance, if you haven’t learned how to let go of your preferences, your internal bias, your likes and dislikes.

Everything you avoid in trainings reality is going to be up in your face close and personal on race day and completed sessions do not allow for that, unless you’ve been fully in them boots n all.

So, everywhere you resist reality….Take a deeper look at that shit because that’s where your real power lies.

If you think preparation is physical, you might want to read that again.

Being audacious means doing what most won’t. Meet yourself. Train for reality not fantasy.

Find all the dark corners of your own resistance, and you’ll bend reality to your advantage.
