In my opinion, coaching is not about instructive data entry, neither is it about data analysis. Sure, they are inclusive, but that is certainly not the point.
Humans are growing and developing, they are starting to look inwards, the old coaching models are falling apart.
We are teachers, not preachers. The purpose of coaching, as I see it, is to provide the benefit of my experience to you, so that when you are down to chips, you can find the root of your own power.
Like any coach, I can only point, but you have to go there on your own. It’s a cold comfort that we are, in many ways, always alone.
I feel like that is where a lot of our discomfort comes from in the form of anxieties. It’s a truth that we are not completely comfortable with. When the chips are down, no one is coming in there to save you. It’s a solo job!
So don’t get me wrong, coaching on one side is a physical prescription, but it is truly only half the story. If I’m doing my job properly, I’m propagating your self-knowledge and understanding. That’s the true purpose to any type of coaching.
So I get it, you want to know the path.
Truth is, dude, you are the path!
Wisdom is the root of self-understanding, it can only be discovered by each individual, and it is not the result of knowledge.
Knowledge is great for recital, but it’s not going to help your body understand its connection to the process you are in.
The wisdom you are looking for is in the maturity of having paid your dues, in the pure experience of understanding it, rather than trying to use your head to know it. You can’t know it, do it, and understand it.
All of that is complex separation you can’t afford. Most people go around and around like mice on an exercise wheel with this.
So I say again, this is all about you. Anyone who is selling you a way is selling you a lie. People thrive for one key reason; they find their own unique power.
They allow all the threats of their own fears and doubts, and they move through it by understanding that the thoughts, just like the challenge, are a transient moving picture that is passing the enormity of this witnessing presence that is the real you.
What’s responsible altruistic coaching? Pointing to that.