

Training Insights

Think of yourself as a doomsday prepper; what are you going to do when the shit hits the fan?

a man riding a bike down a street next to a forest
Photo by Oleg Kukharuk / Unsplash

The man who anticipates his challenge takes away its power when it comes.

This does not mean we worry or become preoccupied with the future, but rather, we hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

We have to prepare for the demand, and in endurance sport the challenge is going to, at some point, have you under real strain and this is where the preppers are separated from the pretenders.

Think of yourself as a doomsday prepper; what are you going to do when the shit hits the fan?

You are going to have to lean on the foundation you built. You are going to find out how solid that foundation is, physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally.

You’d better make sure the foundational house you put together isn’t built on sand because those houses slide into the sea when the weather gets too rough.

Trust me; the physical foundations are a mirror of the psychological ones.

When the demand is high, you need to be able to lean on the stability you built. You need the background strength to hold your form together. Form is a mental / physical composite.

When the psychological demand gets high, which, by the way, is always accompanied by physical strain, you will need the background mental strength to hold your physical desires and will together.

a woman riding a bike down a street
Photo by Tuvalum / Unsplash

If you don’t build that strength in training, it’s not going to magically appear in the race when you are put under real pressure. This is super simple. Don’t make it so god-damn complex.

Show up or blow up!

Turn up for yourself in training. Don’t talk yourself down, build simple physical, mental, spiritual and emotional foundations and don’t let yourself down on any of them.

You are all you’ve got, you’re kidding yourself by “thinking” differently. On race day when the challenge is at its deepest, you will need the internal resources to dig deep into that well.

Realise and accept fully. You don’t have a shred of power over external events.

You do, however, have power over your mind and your responses, focus there in training and find out what real resilience is made of.

Every time you show up for yourself, you strengthen your internal power.

It all comes from you.

There are no external events.


Reach out and message me for a free chat about coaching and your goals.