

If you resist the feelings, emotions and the discomfort of not feeling good, you are resisting the teaching your body is giving you. 

You could say without exaggeration that it is your ability to absorb bad sessions that is the true measure of your talent. 

Can you soak it up, suck it up and allow it to be your teacher?

If not, you are at a distinct disadvantage. 

If you resist the feelings, emotions and the discomfort of not feeling good, you are resisting the teaching your body is giving you. 

Any nitwit can integrate a great session. 

It takes something special to integrate a shocker. 

So busy are we, trying to forget and projecting to the next great session that we lose the experience of the bad.

Here’s the deal: we need contrast, we need context. You can’t really know the potential of the great unless you know the potential of the bad. 

Because the bad informs the great, read that one again! 

Your body is constantly sending messages to your brain during sessions that we override, not this, not this, not fucking this I said…

But, we are often so hypnotised by the plan and the ideal that we don’t want what we actually need at that moment. 

So instead, we get exactly what we don’t want. 

Then athletes will bemoan it. Why me? 

Hey, why not you? 

You are not listening to your body. 

Too many screens, paralysis by analysis, all brain, no body…

Embodiment, not embrainment!

Your body is so intelligent, that nervous system, that heart, that massive brain that is the body.

Learn how to absorb the good, the bad and the ugly. 

Don’t disassociate. Deeply listen, adjust, absorb and adapt. 
